v1.3.0 Release
- Feature #339 Integrate With OpenSchema
- Feature #340 Integrate With OpenTelemetry
- Feature #375 In memory as event store
- Feature #482 Support protocol adaptor plugin
- Feature #490 Support service invocation
- Feature #547 Create and upload 1.3.0 version docker image
- Feature #564 Support CloudEvents protocols for pub/sub in EventMesh
- Enhancement #346 How EventMesh offers Administrative API to manage Topic of the eventstore
- Enhancement #367 Enhance SPI plugins
- Enhancement #435 Expose clientmanager/admin APIs as RESTful APIs
- Enhancement #451 SSLContext Initialize error
- Enhancement #460 Support custom retry times configuration when SubcriptionType is
- Enhancement #523 Adding Flow control RateLimiter support in Http Message Send Processor
- Enhancement #550 Remove unused jar in plugin module
- Enhancement #604 Improve the rebalance algorithm between eventmesh and eventmesh-client
- Bug #448 EventMeshTCPServer set unknown channel options
- Bug #461 Global flow control is not work in MessageTransferTask
- Bug #476 Biz Exceptions occured in EventMesh cause connection close of client
- Bug #646 Missing the rocketmq message properties during protocol conversion
- Bug #630 RocketMQProducerImpl cannot load config properties from classpath
Document and code style improvement
- Enhancement #405 Looking for code hero for Apache EventMesh
- Enhancement #425 Using templates to encourage useful issues and PRs
- Bug #436 typo errors for runtime package
- Discuss #444 Eventmesh code style specification
- MINOR #653 supply the license and update the third party license file name