- Bug #980 The fields need to be made final
- Bug #997 ProducerGroupConf#equals doesn't work
- Bug #1021 Span is null when eventMeshServerTraceEnable is false
- Bug #1022 Two NPE problems with Tcp Protocol Resolver
- Bug #1035 Tcp UpStreamMsgContext retry infinite loop
- Bug #1036 The bug caused by the logical sequence of tcp closeSession
- Bug #1038 The result of validate target url method is opposite in http protocol
- Bug #1052 Only the first instance of the same consumer group receives the message in http protocol
- Bug #1056 Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- Bug #1059 NullPointException of Http Request
- Bug #1064 NullPointException Of ClientManageControllerTest
- Bug #1074 Fix PrometheusConfigurationTest running test fail
Document and code style improvement