- Bug #3269 Load plugin failure
- Bug #3271 Fix handle http message throw IllegalReferenceCountException
- Bug #3273 Incorrect validation may cause the batch send of events to fail
- Bug #3284 HTTP server HttpRequest release bug
- Bug #3306 KafkaConsumerRunner Thread Closes Unexceptedly
- Bug #3307 Kafka Consumer Closing Twice
- Bug #3458 EventMeshHttpProducer publish Read timed out
- Bug #3496 Can't build on jdk17
- Bug #3595 Throw StorageResourceServiceKnativeImpl StorageResourceServiceKnativeImpl when start runtime with start.sh
- Bug #3667 Rocketmq request callback timeout
- Bug #3707 Thread leak exists when rocketmq consumer was shutdown
- Bug #4141 GRPC subscribe error
- Bug #4150 Fix ci compile error for JDK 11 in eventmesh-connector-openfunction
- Bug #4144 Subscription is almost impossible to be cancelled when the TCP sub client is closed
- Bug #4161 JsonUtils not support serialize java.time.LocalDate
- Bug #4164 EventMeshGrpcConsumer client subscribe topic error
- Bug #4166 AsyncPublishInstance has no push messages.